Friday, March 23, 2012

Routine? What's that?

My schedule is all kinds of messed up, which is fine. I'm one super busy dude, which is fine, I prefer to stay busy, but beaten to the ground? Not so much.

Besides working 40 hours a week, and rehearsals, I just tacked on a second show at the same time. I love it. It's why I do it, I suppose. This is how my schedule is about to become

work 5am-12pm
rehearsal #1- 12:30-2:30pm
rehearsal #2- 7:00pm-10:00pm

I know that doesn't look too bad... but it really is.

"Merchant of Venice" rehearsals are well on their way. We are currently in the blocking phase which we just finished tonight! It's so great to be working with the company. I am already noticing a huge difference in people's processes, which I am obsessed with. Danette, who plays "Portia" is a treat to watch. I can watch as she scans her line. Sometimes she will say a line, think of a movement, and then start again. Every action and word is justified, and it amazes me considering we have barely started. Others I notice working on their lines. There are the pacers (like myself) who have to pace back and forth while they get their lines memorized, and the ones who sit and work quietly. It's a lot of fun, and I don't feel as intimidated as I thought I would. I feel fine and fresh and at home. The theatre we are in reminds me so much of Emporia, it makes me almost miss it. I miss the Bruder stage to death, this theatre has the same dark ambiance and the same smell.

So apart from Merchant, I will be starting rehearsals for a children's show again. We perform that week with that at the same time I perform Merchant, so it will be Children's Theatre in the morning/afternoon, and Shakespeare in the evening. Could it get anymore diverse? It's gonna be one fine paycheck at the end of April, hallelujah.

And beginning May 17, I will be stepping into the roll of Brother Clarence in "Monky Business" at The Cabaret Oldtown. I love that theatre so much. The building itself, but especially the people in it. Everyone there is a real gem. I like Cabaret because they don't take themselves too seriously. You go there for a good time. My favorite part of the evening is after the show is over and we sit and talk and have a couple drinks reflecting on the show, the past week. I always laugh the hardest when I'm with those people.

Other news, grad school is a no go. Again. While I feel like a loser and really kicked myself when it became official, I have to remember there are a lot of factors that go into grad school, and it is out of my hands. I got six call backs to some great programs, I should be proud of that. I think I just am correlating the fact that I didn't get into grad school as not having any talent. I don't know how to say this without sounding like a pretentious asswipe, but I must have some sort of talent. I've been booked for a year now. I thought once I left school I wouldn't ever act again. And here I am, doing it. The plan is to move to Chicago and work there for a bit. See if something comes of it. I want to get into sketch comedy again, and do some improv again. I miss it and really am sad not doing ZOIKS! the last couple years of school. I just didn't agree with what was happening to the group. I've been out of improv for a few years and I really think I would be OK at it again. I also have been trying to write some standup jokes. It's a lot harder and a lot more intimidating than anything I've ever done. If I bomb and my jokes suck, it's all on me. But I am gonna take it as a challenge and go for it.

I guess I should probably go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Overworked or not, you sound like you're happy! I'd love to see you in Merchant, especially since you're so excited for it. And I am sure you'll get into grad school soon. If it's what you want, you'll get it.
